
The Ramblings of a Hypocrite


I sat at my desk staring at the TV, wondering, thinking what in the world am I going to talk about? I thought about confidence versus arrogance, or defining insanity but nothing was coming together. For a second I thought maybe I was going nuts. I can talk non stop about the most random nonsense, but I cannot put together a 5 minute speech. No matter what topic I thought of, I could not come up with a speech. And so I stood up and started flipping through some of my magazines, and realized they all have a common theme. Luxury.

I have a question for you. Raise your hand if you have ever seen something, whether it was in a magazine or in a store window or any place, something that you admired. Something that you just really really wanted, but when you found out the price, you said I’m good with what I have or I don’t need it. How many of you have actually experienced that?

Most of us have felt this sensation, and there is no harm wanting the finer things in life. Everyone has their weaknesses, myself I have a collection, yes a collection of watches, bags and shoes. Some say I have a problem, I say I don’t have enough space. But that is a conversation for another day. We all want to be successful and we all want some sort of luxury. But is it worth it and can you afford it?

People go into debt because they spend more than they earn. They go crazy now knowing that they have a salary. But many forget to follow the simple 50/30/20 rule. 50% of your salary goes to needs like rent, food and water. 30% on your wants and 20% into your savings. But still people overspend on their credit cards, buying extravagant items like a new pair of shoes instead of asking themselves do they really need it right now? I should know, I literally ask myself this question every single week when I have over 70 pairs of shoes in my cupboard right now. And believe me when I say this, it has been a while since I last counted. I still go crazy buying shoes, when I could honestly open up a store and sell them to you.

I’m too worried about where am I going to put the next pair I buy, but at times can be so heartless to no give a R2 coin to a beggar. My biggest concern is when am I going to wear it or where for all that is good and sane am I going to put these shoes. And that beggar’s worry is if they will have at least something to eat tonight, or somewhere warm to sleep on a cold, rainy night.

I know in my last post I said focus on yourself and this may be contradicting to some ideas, but focusing on yourself does not mean you should stop caring for others. And there are those that care too much for others and not themselves. Where is the balance? Does it even exist? Even professional psychologists have their own psychologists to help them get through their profession. And I know! I know what depression and suicidal thoughts feel like, and so I go out of my way to make sure someone else won’t go through the same situation alone and I try to help them, not caring about my own mental health.

But let’s be honest, most of you know me ... am I really mentally healthy, or am I just nuts? Happy-golucky, goofball Kishan with very expensive taste. I couldn’t just buy a plain mask for R50, I had to get a branded mask that does the same exact thing at ten times the price. Look I love Louis Vuitton but even I wouldn’t buy their basic branded face shield. But what I would buy is a PS5. Gaming has been such a crucial component of my life and who I am, and I did not hesitate to pay for the pre-order. In a matter of seconds, with ninja like abilities, I summoned my debit card, entered my numbers with precision and said goodbye to 1 months salary in 30 seconds. That is how quickly I can spend money. But can you imagine what I could have done with that money? The charities and people it could help, but instead, I bought a PS5.

Why shouldn’t I? I worked for it. I worked hard for it. I earned it. I saved up for it. What’s the point of making money, if you are not going to enjoy it while you are alive? I’m not saying spend as if it is your last day on earth, although when I travel to Dubai, I do that, without fail every ... single ... time. But spend it on something that is going to be important to you. Something you really do want, and are willing to work hard for and not regret paying crazy amounts for.

If you want that expensive handbag or shoe or watch, work for it, earn it and enjoy it. Did you know the average starting price for a Louis Vuitton handbag is R60 000, and I have 3 backpacks and 2 duffel bags in my cupboard and I’m not going anywhere anytime soon. If you really want it, go forth and work for it, earn it and reward yourself. Because you deserve it. Or be like me, have dad buy it for you cause you’re a spoilt brat. I’m not going to judge, but hey what do I know? I’m just a hypocrite rambling on.