
A Series Of Motivational Speeches: Part 3

Inspire Your Audience

Analysing the Veefriends Data Set


Andrew Carnegie once said, “People who are unable to motivate themselves must be content with mediocrity no matter how impressive their other talents.” Mediocrity … the quality or state of being mediocre. Just the sound of that word makes my skin crawl. The likes of being like everyone else. The likes of blending in with the crowd. Never standing out. Never showing who you really are. Just sitting there wasting away your talents trying to be like everyone else. Why do you want to fit in? Why do you want to be like everyone else?

Do you know how lucky you are to be here right now? I’m not talking about how lucky you are having a job, or a steady income or even nice clothes to wear. Do you understand how lucky every single one of us are to just be born? In 2012, Dr Ali Binazir crunched the numbers. Starting off with your parents meeting, there was a 1 in 20 000 chance of that happening. Following that, the odds of them being together long enough to have kids is a 1 in 2000. Once they decided to have you, there is a 1 in 400 quadrillion… let me say that again … 1 in 400 quadrillion, that is 400 with 15 zeros behind it, a 1 in 400 quadrillion chance of an egg from your mum and a sperm from your dad making the genetic lottery that is you. Then go back beyond your parents, looking at your family lineage and the odds of those genetic lotteries coming up and creating your ancestors, add it all up and boom. The chance of you being who you are is a whopping 1 in 10 to the power of 2 685 000 … so basically the odds of you existing is 0. And you want to sit around being just like everybody else.

For what? Everyone in this world is on their own path, everyone has their destiny written for them, and none of us know what the future holds. But everything we have been through in the past, every heart break, every cut, every bruise, every tear we shed … all of it … all the pain and suffering and the all highs have made us who we are today. Every thought we’ve had, every action we’ve taken, it has all led to this point. We cannot change any of it, nor can we change what is going to happen in the future. But what we can do is live in the now. What we can do is enjoy every breath we take and every thing we do in the present.

And do it with the mentality of always giving your all. I know that’s cliche but uncertain times lie ahead, the doubt and negativity will begin to creep in. And that’s when it all falls to pieces. Because when you feel like quitting, you need to remember why you started. When you feel like giving up, you need to remember why it is you are doing this. When you feel like tapping out, remember, pain is temporary … Glory is forever. If you stop trying, everyone who said you wouldn’t make it, all those who doubted you are being proved right. And why would you want to prove them right? Why would you want to prove to them that you’re not able to achieve what you set out to achieve?

If you want to be the best, then do everything you can to become the best. Nothing is standing in your way of being one of the Greatest Of All Time, but you’ve got to do everything in your power to make sure it happens. The road to becoming the GOAT is going to be a steep climb, but at no point can you let yourself give up. That goal is not impossible. EVERYTHING is possible. That which seems impossible, just takes longer. So if you want to be the GOAT, if you want your name in lights, your ass on the throne, then get out of cruise control and get ready for the toughest race of your life. Because for you to be at the top, you need to make it seem damn near impossible for everyone else. That is the painful truth! The excuses we make up and tell ourselves to feel better for not being where we want to be, are lies, myths … pure fabrication! If you want something, go out and get it.

But if the journey seems too hard, and you feel like quitting … you feel like you can’t make the climb. Then do what you feel is right. And if you feel like giving up, then fine … give up. But don’t you dare look around and point fingers at anyone for not being where you want to be. You chose to give up. You chose to quit. That was your choice. But you know what else you could have done? You could have chosen to get back up, dust yourself off and move on.

Enemies will do everything they can to slow you down and stop you. Walls will be erected to prevent you from seeing the other side. Doubt will be there to hold you back. Everything you encounter on your journey from this moment on will be a test. It will test who you are as a person. It will test what you are made of. It will break you. It will beat you. It will destroy you. But like the phoenix from the ashes, like the flame that starts from a spark, like multiple drops of water lead to a flow, so does your mind, body and soul leave from weakness to strength. From pain to power, from mediocrity to glory.

When you look back at the road you’ve walked, will you be happy with where it led? Or will you still have more ahead to travel? Are you just like everyone else? Or are you the Greatest Of All Time?