
A Series of Motivational Speeches: Part 2

Managing Time


2020 has come and 2020 is almost gone, and if you’re feeling like me right now, you cannot wait to go on a well needed and well-deserved break. But before we go any further, we have to ask the question. What in God’s name was this unprecedented year? Honestly my friends put your hands up if you’re asking yourself, what was this year?

2020 was meant to be a completely new era, we were brining in the roaring 20s of this century, and instead we’re trying to find a place in the house where we can vacation in. This year was meant to be different was it not? It’s a brand-new decade, it was going to be an absolute game changing impact of a year. For me ... for you ... for us. It was meant to be a good start to the decade. But instead, what happened?

Australia was burning in January, planes were crashing in Iran and Pakistan. Kobe Bryant and his daughter Gigi left this earth, George Floyd’s death brought to life the realities of police brutality and the Black Lives Matter movement took over the globe and made sure the public started using their voices and hold those who did wrong accountable. Beirut had a huge explosion, locusts swarmed East Africa. Earthquakes, volcano eruptions, floods, you name it. Whatever apocalyptic scenario you could think of, probably happened this year, all while COVID swept the globe. Well I guess one good thing came out of this year, Americans finally realized that they don’t want an orange Cheeto as their president anymore.

In 10, 20, 30 years from now, when you look back on your life and tell your kids or grandkids about what you have done. What will you say? What is your legacy? We have been so lucky to live through some of the most defining moments in history. Y2K, the end of apartheid, America’s first black president, America’s first orange president, now the first ever female Vice President who is a woman of color. All of these people have left or are currently leaving a lasting legacy behind them. So, decades from now, what will you say has been your legacy?

Right now, I cannot even fathom what my legacy would be, but all I know is I will live my life in a very specific way. And I think you should to. And if you’re wondering what way this is, allow me to quote Eminem.

Success is my only motherfucking option. Failure is not.

I will say it again. SUCCESS is my only motherfucking option. Failure is not. Can you imagine what we can achieve if we all had this mentality? That mentality to not choose the easy path of giving up and quitting. But choosing the hard path. The path with all the obstacles, choosing the path that you know will challenge you, choosing the path that you know will break you. Some may think it’s foolish, but that’s how you grow. That’s how you evolve, become better, become stronger, become a complete and total badass.

Now you’re probably wondering why I am giving a motivational piece at the end of the year. The holidays are upon us, or just about. I don’t need motivation Kish. I need a Long Island Ice Tea, the beach and some music. I don’t need to feel motivated about ke-Dezemba boss, I live for it. I get you, I really do get you. But if we look back on this year, one thing is truly important. We don’t know what tomorrow holds, and we need to take every moment we have now to appreciate it and do the best we can at all times. Work towards success.

Let’s hypothesize it. Say tomorrow, for whatever reason, you’re no longer here. All of your friends and family have come together to miss you, and reminisce of their time with you. What do you think they are all going to say? Kishan was a lazy person. All he knew was spending money, playing games and being a good-for-nothing. Or will they say that Kishan was hard-working, resilient and no matter how broken and beaten he was, he didn’t give up. He was thrown to the wolves and he came back leading the pack.

That’s what I want to be remembered for. That’s what we should all be remembered for. Who we are as people. The character of our very nature. It’s sad that we live in a world where you can do 100 good things and 1 bad thing, people will only remember you for the one bad thing that you did. But don’t let that define you. None of us are perfect, we all make mistakes. But don’t let it define you. Don’t let it weigh you down. Rise up and fight! Show the world that you aren’t a weakling and that through all the punches and challenges, you got back up and kept going! Show the world who you really are. With a week and a day to go before we all are on leave, don’t let year end burn out break you down. Keep going. Aim for success. Aim for the gold. SUCCESS is your only option. There is no place for failure, there is no place for quitting. You can rest when you’re dead, but as long as there is breath in your body, get your ass up, dust yourself off and stand up proud and tall. As Bruce Lee once said:

"Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself. Do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it."

Be who you were meant to be, in all of your glory. Because at the end of the day, when all is said and done, when you’re looking back on your life ... looking back on everything you have accomplished in life. What will be your answer? What will be your legacy?